“By faith he (Moses) left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible.” (Heb 11:27,NIV)
A 6 year old boy recently engaged his mother in a discussion on proper and improper dressence. The mother took her time to educate the young lad about what proper dressing is like.To convince his mum that he gets the idea that his mum was trying to convey, he turned to her , smiled wryly and said “Mummy you mean proper dressing is like when Pastor Toks (referring to me)wears his suit.I want to be dressing like Pastor Toks and Obama”.
To the little boy, I am now in the same league as Obama. (Well I am laughing too!)
His perception of success is getting formed already. A picture , an image of success is already forming in his innocent mind.
Truth is , we dream of becoming something only because we have seen it.
Most information available to us in these days contain toxic pictures that are contrary to our well-being :Wars ,Killings ,Obscenities ,etc.These bad news create in our minds bad images.Bad images depress!On the other hand, Jesus already promised us victory (John 16:33). Through his parables Jesus continually drew good pictures in the minds of his hearers .
He used phrases that draw pictures .He promised us that we can make it ;that there is hope . Yes you can make it! All you need to do is see it possible and its yours!
A Human being is composed of 3 parts-The Spirit , The Soul and The Body .With the Spirit, Man relates to the spirit realm .With the Soul /Mind ,man relates to the mental realm . While with the body , he adapts to the Physical realm. The greatest battle then exists in the mind.it is the battleground where the issues of our lives are won or lost ; all because of what images we see!
# 1- You become what you behold .We all are being transformed from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord as we fixate our gaze upon him . Looking unto Jesus , the Author and Finisher of our faith .The more we see him the more we become like him.
# 2- Your life (thoughts and actions) will only follow the path of your most dominant image – (As he thinketh so is he)
# 3- It can only be yours if you can see it. Elijah told Elisha,God showed Abraham the picture of Stars and Seashore . God sowed Jacob.
# 4 – Repetition is the key to memorization.
To succeed in anything you do you must:
First, see the Image in your mind’s eye. Allow the Bible to create these success images in your mind . Spend quality time reading the Bible daily.God’s Word is full of these pictures and images .
Right image creates right desire .Desire creates burden , Burden leads to asking . Asking leads to receiving. Mk 11:23,24).
Second, keep on confessing what you see until it becomes a physical reality.
“God wishes above all things that i prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers…”(1 Jn 3:2)
He bore my iniquities and carried my pains , the beatings that brought me peace was upon him and by his wounds I was healed( Is 53:4-6)
Faith or fear are both produced by images that we see.
Faith brings success while fear leads to failure!
#1.For Spiritual Growth – (Collosians 1:10)
‘I increase daily in the knowledge of God’.
#2. For A Successful Career – (Joshua 1:8,9)
‘I see success and increase in all that I do according to Josh 1:8,9
I am head and not tail.’
#3. For A Healthy Relationship (1 Peter 3:7)
‘I prosper in my relationship and I reap the blessing of covenant.’
#4. For Health - (3 John 2)
‘I walk in perfect health because Christ has carried all my pains.’
#5. For Boldness/Sound Mind.-(2Timothy 1:7)
‘I do not fear anything or anyone , my mind is sound and I have self discipline.’
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