(Message delivered at a Healing Mtg Aug 1, 2009.)
Text: Ex 6:1-12, 13-27;
Gen 12:8
The World is in a state of crisis-Economic Collapse, Health care getting more expensive, Insecurity of lives (planes dropping off and disappearing out of sight, etc. The list is endless.The World is in a state of Atrophy(i.e. deteriorating, withering away)
Q: Why are all these crisis happening?-
A: We are nearing the finish that Jesus spoke about in Matt 24.
Q: What should we be in the midst of all these crisis?
A: The Answer is in the Word of God!
Just before the final deliverance of Isreal , the pressure on God’s people got worse.
In the Present Day, we have had the Tsunami in Indonesia that killed a lot of believers. Presently the North of this country is still boiling from unrests, burnings and destruction of lives and properties!The small island of Haiti has suffered greatly under the weight of Earthquake 7.0 and 6.1 leaving in its trail ,at least 300,000 families as casualties and over a million children as orphans!
There is a Mystery about the Lord’s covenant with His people.
Ex 6:1-3: Abraham had a futuristic revelation of the Promise of Canaan but Moses had a Present Day encounter. Covenant now is stronger than covenant to come!
PLS NOTE Ex 6: 13 and 26-27 – All these were done by “this same Aaron and Moses”. God using ordinary people to accomplish supernatural feats! Ordinary Aaron and Moses.
We are His battle axes and He uses the unexpected things.(Jer 51;1 Cor 1:26-31).
Ex 33:19
9 And the LORD said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD , in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
God reveals Himself more by dispensation and each generation is liable to push into the deep mysteries of God for her day.Our safety and sanity in the days ahead will rest on the much of God we know and have!Truly wisdom and insight shall be the stability of our times.
Keep journeying!
Your Fellow Pilgrim
Tokunbo Beulah Johnson