Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 : Year of Apostolic Assignment!

Welcome to the decisive year 2012.!

It is decisive because of the peculiarity of the year to provide new foundations for all you shall be doing the rest of your life .It is an apostolic year .
Do you know that true kingdom foundations are laid when the apostolic character of the 5-fold Christ Anointing comes into play? Eph 2:20.

For our church it’s a Year of Apostolic Assignment! It is the Year of the ‘12’ !

The No 12 is the key factor to consider in 2012.
According to the Holy Scriptures,'12' is the no of the Apostolic.

It is the Completion Of God’s Government.
It is the Completion of Glory.
It is the no of Apostolic Purpose.

i.We declare that this shall be to us the completion of God’s government in our lives.
ii.We declare that this shall be to us the perfection of God’s glory in our lives.

i.The chosen natural nation of Israel was 12 tribes having been born 12 sons of the patriarch Jacob .This is the foundation of God’s chosen people even till tomorrow. We recognize that as the church , we are Spiritual Israel.
ii. Elim the place of rest for the Israelites was a place of 12 springs of water and 70 palms (Ex 15:27;Num 33:9)
iii.There were to be 12 stones in the High priest’s breast-piece.- Ex 28:21
iv.Aaron chose 12(twelve) leaders -Num.1: 44
v. All gifts for the dedication of the altar were in Twelves -Num 7:84.87
vi. ‘12’(Twelve) stones were carried out of the midst of Jordan in memorial of the miracle of the parted river -Jos 4:3,8
vii.Solomon the leadership template for apostolic wisdom had ‘12’ district Governors over all Israel who provided food for him all year round-1 Kings 4:7
viii. The Sea (God's purification plan for the priest)rested on ‘12’ bulls – 1 Kg 7:25
ix. Elijah took ‘12’twelve stones – 1 Kgs 18:31
x. Elisha was plowing with ‘12’twelve yoke of oxen when God called him.
xi.The Altar of the temple was divisible of ‘12’ – Ex 43:16.
xii. Jesus had ‘12’ disciples Mark 3:16
xiii. Jesus promised us that those who believe in Him will at the end of the age,sit as judge on the ‘12’(twelve) thrones – Matt 19:28.


1. Community - We will sustain covenant relationships and the build stronger kingdom
Communities .We will do these through:
i. Honouring commitments to our natural families (spouse ,children)
ii. Honouring commitments to our Church family (through the Tree of Life Community Centres)

2. Wisdom .We need this to build a predictable future out of a deliberate architecture.

3. Accuracy .We will walk in total obedience to the Lord in agreement with our discovered prophetic destiny and blueprint.

4. Focusing on the finish (through Constant Prayer, a Consecrated life , etc ).We will show our true dedication to the Lord in our monthly 3-day fasting and corporate prayer.

5. Evangelism and Church Planting .We will intensify our soul winning drive and increase our ‘Tree of Life’ Centers from 10 to 100 by Sept 2012)

Our Year 2012 Promise is found in the book of:
Psalms 107:23-30 (King James Version)which reads thus:

"23 They that go down to the sea in ships,that do business in great waters;

24 These see the works of the Lord,and his wonders in the deep.

25 For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind,which lifteth up the waves thereof.

26 They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths:their soul is melted because of trouble.

27 They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man,and are at their wits 'end.

28 Then they cry unto the Lord in their trouble,and he bringeth them out of their distresses.

29 He maketh the storm a calm,so that the waves thereof are still.

30 Then are they glad because they be quiet;so he bringeth them unto their desired haven."

I urge you to join us online every day in our 366 Days of Glory Devotionals journey through Facebook, twitter , and website( to download apostolic prayer resources for your daily use for a victorious life!.

May your life be fruitful and may all your purposes be fulfilled to the glory of God this year.

I declare that, for you, this leap year 2012 shall be a Year of the Quantum Leap in Jesus’ Name!

Yours truly,

Tokunbo Beulah Johnson
Senior Elder/Pastor,The Capstone Yaba