Wednesday, April 9, 2014

10 COMPONENTS OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP (Tokunbo Beulah Johnson- Teacher, Mentor, Vision Development Engineer)

Ever heard the saying “Everything rises and falls upon leadership”?.
Ever read the books of Rom 12:1,2; Deut. 32:9-12?

Rom 12:1-3 NIV
”Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual a act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will”.

 Deut 32:9-13, NIV
“For the Lord's portion is his people, Jacob his allotted inheritance.
In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste. He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them on its pinions.
12 The Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him. “

The sacred verses above contain some very helpful tips for would-be successful leaders.

Romans 12: 2 highlights the process of transformation akin the metamorphosis of the Butterfly from Egg till it grows itself into the Adult Butterfly.

Deut.32:12 provides us with a template of how the Lord provides leadership for His special people.

Both scriptures shed light on the process of transformation, development and evolutionary leadership.

Transformational leadership is all about CHANGE! It is about how leaders develop themselves- perceptively and otherwise.

It has been said several times that the only thing constant in life is Change ! People change, Circumstances change, Places change and the list goes on. Nothing ever remains the same.

#1: The key to relevance is CHANGE!
If you are going to meet your responsibilities as a leader and provide the necessary vision and direction for your organisation while also continuing your personal success then you will have to be “inside the change”. This means you will have to keep changing yourself. You have to be evolutionary. You must be in the shift.

#2: Every transformational and organizational leader uses change to grow his/her leadership competencies.

A transformed leader who has engaged the shift must both be and do the followings 10 things:

1. Bond your intentions with a strive to achieve results that you desire to see in your organisation. In just the same way Paul, the Apostle claimed to labor over the people he led in Christ (Gal 4:19)

2. Place emphasis on open,frank and sincere communication.(Rom 12:9)For instance holding cross-divisional conversations with all employees to impact and get honest feedbacks (The best ones in my estimation being the ones in the hallway).Even parents must train their children different engendering from them a feeling of acceptance and love and not elicit the fear of punishment.

3. Engage your people passionately and emotionally (even calling them by an alias/pet name will not be a bad idea). Let them know you are crazy about them! Actually, you should be... Apostle Paul spoke about being jealous over the people he led (2 Cor 11:2)

4. Provide ways and resources for people in the organization to do meaningful work and contribute to developing the corporate goals. Ensure you remove every roadblock or inhibitions that could hamper their work or progress. When stifled, people decimate and cannibalize themselves and others. Lot’s two daughters compromised themselves with him because of the unavailability of much-needed suitors (Gen. 19:30-38).

5. Provide ways for people in the organization to build quality relationships with you and among themselves. Encourage bonding programmes(even to fall in love with each other).Paul, the Apostle says “to be kindly affectioned to one another”(Rom.12:10) and to greet one another with a holy kiss.(Rom.16:16;1 Pet 5:14).Build the organization into a Community!

6. Challenge your followers to strive for higher goals. Dr. Myles Munroe, President ITWLA once claimed that while an undergraduate at Oral Roberts University(ORU), his Pro- Chancellor used to challenge them to ‘Think no small thoughts here!’ Paul,the Apostle strove towards the mark of the high calling in Christ. He always longed for something more…He branded it ‘the prize…’(Phil.3:13)

7. Give your people opportunities to access resources- Trainings and to leverage on your own relationships (Acts 20:20; 2 Tim 4:13)

8. Challenge your followers to increase their influence. Jesus challenged His followers to spread the message of the good news of His Kingdom to the ends of the earth in influence (Acts 1:8) Paul, the Apostle instructed his protégé, Timothy to proclaim the message of the good news far and wide, as an herald(2 Tim.4:2,5).

9.Challenge your followers to innovate. To innovate is to commodify one’s creativity. To innovate is to transform. This transformation is by a process of mental renovation. Challenge followers to be renewed in their mind incrementally.(Col 3:10). They have to become a new person continually.

10. Challenge your followers to lead in their own way; to take baby steps in just the same way a young Eagle must learn to fly.(Deut 32:9-12).

Though your beginning may be small but your latter end shall be great indeed!

Jesus died a horrible death(one that He did not deserve to die) on a Cross to set us free from sin and to give us abundant life here on this earth. As we know him more and more deeply in our hearts He can help us grow into who we should truly be. Our lives are empty and hopeless without Him holding us. A life without Christ is shattered dreams!

You Too Can experience His Love. Give Him your heart. Do it Now!


No one attains a position of high-level leadership without agreeing to , first, take on an extraordinary personal self-awareness.
Discover who you are in Christ and where your measure stands in Him and then take yourself from there with a leap according to the measure of faith granted you by the Holy Spirit (Rom 12:3)

Take that LEAP now!

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