Exodus 2:1-3(NIV)
Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman,
and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months.
But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.
To the Egyptians of old, the River Nile was more than just an aquatic splendour. It was a reservoir of life; the whole essence of their identity was connected to it.Every Pharaoh (and surely their household too) went every day to the quintessential Nile!
Though it wasn’t a surprise that on the certain day, Pharaoh’s daughter came by the Nile to have a bath the surprise was that she located the baby at the exact spot where Moses’ mother expected her to pass by. And seeing the basket by the Nile she requested it be brought to her. When she saw the helpless little occupant, she decided to preserve its life even when she knew it was a Hebrew baby.
Are you pregnant with a dream and burdened with a vision and don’t know how to keep and nurture it? Then get ready because the God of the Hebrews is about to lead you to that point of breakthrough that you so badly need. He is just right now about to turn your helplessness around.
#1.Pray with me:
‘Lord, I connect myself to those you have appointed to bring the much-needed resources necessary for my sustenance in the midst of this present global crisis.
Lead them to the place where I am and use them to bring me into my Promised Land.’ Amen
The prayer of Moses’ mother must have sounded something like the one above on that fateful day when she dropped her lovely son off - not at the crèche - but at the bank of the River Nile.
It was in the very early hour of the morning; just immediately after the breaking of dawn; that hour when the cock was not even up yet for its natural wake up call.
She had kept him from public view and from Pharaoh’s sword for three months and now the boy had grown bigger than her home security system could guarantee. Certain death was imminent and only a miracle could save the boy (or any Hebrew boy at all) from the blood-thirsty sword of Pharaoh.
One lesson is so clear: when God decides to lift you to a new height of relevance and importance, the enemy of your destiny will rise up. However, the Good news is: no matter how mean and resolute the devil is in his plot against you, God will always
make a way of escape for you, his anointed one! As God saved Moses, so will He save you.
According to Bible records, she (Moses’ mother) left Moses’ sister on the scene to keep watch on the boy as he lay innocently in the basket by the Nile. This woman believed strongly that the God of Israel would show up for her somehow. Anyhow. And truly He did - just as she had believed He would. (Heb 11:23).If only you would believe “all things are possible to him that believes”.
Later in the day, God made some amazing moves. He made sure Pharaoh’s daughter got hot enough to need a cold bath in the Nile. He equally made sure that she went past the exact spot and place where Moses was (in his ‘Moses’ basket’) just by the bank of the Nile. One more thing God did was to make sure that Moses’ plight caught the attention of Pharaoh’s daughter.
God is about to make sure that someone becomes uncomfortable in his present location and relocates towards you for your advantage.
#2.Pray with me:
Lord, please lead helpers of destiny to the place of my struggle and let my plight catch their attention.
Pharaoh’s daughter took him to live with her later but not until after Moses’ mother had sufficiently brought her son up in the value and culture of Isreal. He had become sufficiently aware of his people’s covenant with the God of Abraham. Did you notice that she also got paid for nursing her dream? Getting paid to do what you love to do is the ultimate prayer of any person. It is the reason many want to do what is their passion in life. Moses’ mother got more than she asked for; she must have thought to herself “if only someone could take custody of him once I abandon him at the Nile” But God did exceedingly, abundantly more than she had imagined.
This story marked the beginning of the much-sought after deliverance for the whole race of the Hebrews. God had finally found a vessel to use. He would ensure that the vessel was preserved and cared for in the face of apparent danger. God is still looking for men to use for the salvation of nations. Are you the one?
# 3.Pray with me:
Lord, in this hour, work things out that will provide me a platform for the reformation of my nation.
In the courtyard of Pharaoh was bred the deliverer of God’s people. God is going to use the resources of Egypt to prepare his people’s great destiny. God is training you in Pharaoh’s court and in due season he will bring you out to fulfil your destiny.
# 4.Pray with me:
Lord, I am ready for whatever you would have me do for your glory. Please help me not miss the call of destiny.
My prayer for you today is: May you encounter the miracle of God at the Nile of your life.
Surely Change is coming your way! Only be strong.