Thursday, September 9, 2010

TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP (Tokunbo Johnson- Teacher,Mentor)

Ever read the books of Rom 12 :1,2 ; Deut. 32:9-12? They contain some very helpful tips for would -be successful leaders..

The only thing constant in life is Change ! People change, Circumstances change, Places change and the list goes on. Nothing ever remains the same.
The key to relevance is CHANGE! If you are going to meet your responsibilities as a leader and provide the necessary vision and direction for your organisation while also continue your personal success then you will have to be “inside the change”. This means you will have to keep changing yourself . Every transformational leader uses change to grow his/her leadership competencies.A Leader must be and do the followings:

1. Bond intentions with strive to achieve results that he desired .

2. Place emphasis on communication. e.g hold cross-divisional conversations with all employees to impact i.e get honest feedback(The best ones are the ones in the hallway). Even parents must train their children different with love and not for punishment.

3. Engage your people passionately (calling them by an alias/pet name will not be a bad idea).Let them know you are crazy about them! Actually,you should be...

4. Provide ways for your people to do meaningful work and contribute to developing the corporate goals.Remove every Moabite Cause (Lot and his two daughters.-Gen. 19:30-38.

5. Provide ways for people to build quality relationships with you and among themselves encourage bonding programmes.(even to fall in Love...)

6. Challenge them to strive for higher goals-Dr.Myles Munroe claimed that
while in the university at ORU,his Pro- Chancellor used to challenge them to ‘Think no small thoughts here!’

7. Give people opportunities to access resources- Trainings and to leverage on your own relationships.

8. Challenge them to increase their influence

9. Challenge them to innovate- i.e commodify their creativity.

10. Challenge them to lead in their own way; the same way a young Eagle must learn to fly.(Deut 32:9-12).

No one attains a position of high-level leadership without agreeing to ,first, take on an extraordinary personal self-awareness. You need to know where you are at and take yourself from there with a leap.

So take the LEAP !

Jesus died a horrible death on a cross to set us free from sin and to give us an abundant life here on this earth. As we know him more and more deep in our hearts He can help us grow into who we should truly be. Our lives are empty and hopeless without Him holding us.A life without Christ is shattered dreams!

You Too Can experience His Love.Give Your heart to him.Do it Now!

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